Maxim's project vault

Alt3r Rooftop Run: Production

Contract work (in team of 3)
Game developer (Unity, C#)
10 Jun 2023

Source code for this project can be found here: Github
You can play the game here: GooglePlay

Alt3r Rooftop Run is an endless runner where player have to find their way around numerous obstacles. Level is constantly generated and game plays for the high score.

The game was made by me with a help of an artist and a tester.

In order to get production going, we adopted scrum management framework, with kanban board on Trello to help us figure out objectives. Communication between each part of the team was quite important, cause this project was relatively big, and there always was something to implement, improve, or fix. A lot of optimization was made to ensure low downtime for the player, especially with level generation going on in the background.

Third-party software was used in the development: ads are provided by IronSource and leader board by GooglePlay Services. When development was complete, the game was published to GooglePlay, where you can download it now.

Thanks for reading.